Town police |

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Town police


The tasks of the town police are especially:
• to contribute to protection of people and property
• to monitor keeping the rules of community living
• to monitor keeping generally binding town regulations
• to contribute to safety and fluency of the traffic
• to monitor keeping legal regulations about public order protection and to set regulations for public order restoration within the legal power of the town police
• to contribute to crime prevention in the town
• to monitor keeping the town public areas clean
• to reveal offences and other minor crimes whose hearing is within the town power
• to provide data about town police when asked by the Home Office (for the reason of statistic data administrative)
further tasks are for example:
• to keep order and security during special events
• to catch lost dogs. If the owner is unknown, the dogs are transferred to a dog shelter
• to ensure substitute document delivery
• to secure dangerous pedestrian crossings
• to manage trust letter box
• to cooperate in local projects within the crime prevention strategy


Ulice: Kutnohorská 23
Město: Kolín IV
Telefon: +420 321 725 958


